вторник, 27 января 2009 г.

Эх, дороги...

(image via)

(images by Shah Khan, Vaughn)

(image credit: Hassan Wassim)

(image credit: Umair Shaikh)

(images by Umair Shaikh)

Photos by Qavi and Captain Ash

Bridge in Kashmir, India - image via

Photos by David Wall)

(image via)

Photos by David Wall)

(images by Dénes László, via)

(images via)

(image via)

(photos by Thomas Stellmach)

(image credit: Thomas Stellmach)

(images by Mateusz Figat, 1)

(original unknown)

(images via)

(image credit: Rosino)

(image credit: Te-Wei Liu)

(image via)

(original unknown)

(photos by PistonHeads, David, Bob Rogers, Marc McDaniel)

(original unknown)

(image credit: Kevin)

(image credit: D. Chatrov)

(image credit: Ne-Palec)

(image credit: Chris and Amy)[/cut]

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